get the f*ck out (me, not you)

for some reason i’ve taken into my head to label all my posts to date.
it’s tediously slow going and i fear it’ll take weeks to complete. i’ve only got about a sixth done. but i’ve started, so…
i’ve no idea what prompts this somewhat OCD-leaning behaviour that comes over me. perhaps some part of me feels in need of order or categorisation.

summer is here in dublin. it’s tee and flipflops warm. and sunny. which begs the question, why the bloody hell am i sitting at my laptop when i could be outside…?

off to find some compost for my pots and nasturtium seeds… hands deep in soil makes for good therapy and gentle ordering of the soul… after a week filled with people and conversation, my brain is full and i’m in need of solitude…

hoping it’s sunny with you,



thought to be at least 35,000 years old, the oldest depiction of a human figure found to date… see bbc article for more


for celtic Irish and British versions, Sheela na Gigs – see here. there are over 100 known sheela na gigs around ireland.


mind-bendingly weird fact: i’ve just heard that if you gave everyone 2 square feet of space to stand you could fit the world population into County Roscommon. which i’ve just discovered is twinned with Tucson, Arizona. the only thing i can think they have in common is that neither has a shoreline. it certainly ain’t the weather. still, if we were all to meet, probably best to choose Roscommon over Tucson, if only for the lack of cacti.

go figure.


taste of home

in anticipation of the perfect pint when the moving’s all done…