i think it’s very likely…

well, i guess it’s time to say our goodbyes. it’s been nice knowing you.
any moment now the price of bacon is gonna go up, there’s gonna be a run on thermal undergarments from hell, and the sound of apocalyptic hooves will be heard approaching.

they said Obama would be bring unity, would bridge divides.
well, it’s happened. i agree with bill o’reilly. excuse me, i have to lie down for a moment.

as we wait for the end of the world which is now so clearly and inevitably nigh, i’ve been finding myself prompted associatively to hum this 80s kids theme tune while reading news from America…

whilst folding laundry this morning, i went so far as to consider rewriting the lyrics for the purposes of my own amusement, but then realised there’s actually no need for anything more than the most minor of adjustments:
all that’s required is the addition of an ‘s’, (not necessary if you are only serenading Orly Taitz) and intend the meaning of “lovely” to signify, you’re so tin foil hat crazy, it’s wonderful!, and job done. it’s a tribute to a movement right there…

Berthas, lovely Berthas,
You are a lovely machine!
And anyone who works with you,
Will know just what I mean!

Berthas, lovely Berthas,
Sometimes I think you’re a dream!
And when we work out what you have to do,
You can always churn the goods out,
Always churn the goods out,
We can depend upon you!

Clicking the day, flashing the night,
Your computer is shining brightly,
Some people say you’ve a mind of your own,
And I think that’s very likely…. likely!

Berthas, lovely Berthas,
Sometimes I think you’re a dream!
When we work out what you have to do,
You can always churn the goods out,
Always churn the goods out,
We can depend upon you!

Birthers. bringing a whole new conspiratorial twist to the satirist’s line, “you couldn’t make this stuff up.
well evidently, someone is.

thanks for the entertainment, America. i think of this movement as a kind of balancing act – kind of like Agent Smith vs Neo in The Matrix: the moment you got The One, this was inevitable.


jason jones behind the veil

first there was Wasilla. then came ASU and Florida. each time, as i shuddered and cringed, i thought he couldn’t get any better… and then Jason Jones went to Iran.

because i can’t stick these on my fridge:

I`ra`ndecision 2009: Ahmadinejad rally in Tehran

Behind the Veil: part 1 – Minarets of Menace

part 2 – Persians of Interest

part 3 – Ayatollah You So

part 4 – The Kids Are Allah Right

Moment of Zen – Iranian playground

صلح و عشق :: peace and love


history’s truthiness

Schama and Colbert dialogue and find themselves agreeing on history’s lessons on last night’s show…

simon schama: “Thomas Jefferson said every man, whether he worships one God, three Gods or no God, should be free to practice what ever he wishes without fear of oppression.”

stephen colbert: “Absolutely. He can worship the Jesus Christ of his choice.”