geek meets grrrl

this’ll be brief. it’s late and i need sleep so i can get cracking in the morning bright and early on my art for common grounds… stuff. <– brain shutting down. but, had a link to share. if you like comics, and you like feminisms, then you might like this: Girls Read Comics (and they’re pissed)

that’s “pissed” as in pissed off. not falling-over-legs-akimbo-and-puking-down -the-side-of-the-sofa pissed. actually, that scenario would probably be deserving of, “rat-arsed”.

right. to bed.


men are cool. but i couldn’t eat a whole one.

sunday geekdom

today mostly involves art messing and my second listen to of the highly entertaining dr who audio drama Bang-Bang-A-Boom, which was a very welcome surprise gift from the lovely dr Joel.
it’s lots of fun and full of eurovision song contest humour.

i just finished Watchmen the other night. i ended up spinning it out as long as i could. don’t know what to say other than it’s a piece of freaking brilliance and lived up to all recommendations. lovedit. i think i’ll be following in my brother’s footsteps and make reading it an annual tradition.

next up Persepolis, which i suspect is going to be even more affecting in light of the past week’s (ongoing) events…