history collides

TNC and sullivan

not much more to be said; except…

January 11, 1992: Nirvana’s Nevermind reached number one on the US Billboard album charts, replacing Michael Jackson’s Dangerous. “…that was the revolutionary tipping point“: Cobain’s goal for the 1990s “to debase every known form of pop music” had happened.

the spirit of grunge: a retrospective from radio 4. miranda sawyer examines a significant slice of GenX history on this side of the Atlantic – the impact of the commodified and co-opted grunge music and aesthetic. shame it’s only half on hour long as it’s an astute critique.

(friday 8 april, 1994)

And now you are dead.
I was in San Fransisco, driving up the 101 past Candlestick Park when the news came over the radio, LIVE 105 – the news that you had shot yourself.
A few minutes later I was in the city and I pulled the car over and tried to figure out what I felt.
I had never asked you to make me care about you, but it happened – against the hype, against the odds – and now you are in my imagination forever.
And I figure you’re in heaven, too. But how, exactly does it help you now, to know that you, too, as it is said, were once adored?


– extract from Letter to Kurt Cobain, in Polaroids From The Dead,
by Douglas Coupland (1996)

with the lights out, it’s less dangerous


on the outside…

on an entirely different note,

the wonderful mark gatiss on radio 4 today.

big thanks to Joel for the tip off. THANKS!! <– example of big thanks.


sunday geekdom

today mostly involves art messing and my second listen to of the highly entertaining dr who audio drama Bang-Bang-A-Boom, which was a very welcome surprise gift from the lovely dr Joel.
it’s lots of fun and full of eurovision song contest humour.

i just finished Watchmen the other night. i ended up spinning it out as long as i could. don’t know what to say other than it’s a piece of freaking brilliance and lived up to all recommendations. lovedit. i think i’ll be following in my brother’s footsteps and make reading it an annual tradition.

next up Persepolis, which i suspect is going to be even more affecting in light of the past week’s (ongoing) events…