this is not a drill…

counting down

reposting this. brought a tear to my eye, as it does every year.

one of the most beautiful prayers

thanks for sharing it Paul. see you on site. 🙂

2 more sleeps…


we may catch fire yet…

i’ve been in belfast for a long weekend in what is always the busiest week of the summer.

i’ve just landed back into my little abode, immediately put the espresso pot on the stove, ran across the road for some milk while it brewed and opened up my blinds to see some very thirsty plants.

so, i’m finally sitting at my desk, getting a much needed caffeine hit and taking stock…

3 more sleeps in my own bed and then we hit the road, and sea for the gb09. so the next couple of days will be busy packing and crafting words and props for this Friday night’s incendiary eVandalism in Centaur.
but the weekend was productive and i’m feeling we’re probably at exactly the level of organised we can expect to be. friday will be hectic but creative and do-able.

it’s perennially curious to me how ideas that over the summer have made my stomach flip when they erupted in our collective imagination are now sitting comfortably, and i have to remind myself that for those who don’t know what’s coming, this gathering has the potential to be a radical provocation. hopefully to everyone, including ourselves, including me. whatever comfort i feel right now will be ruptured in the midst of it… and i find myself looking forward to undergoing the experience…

if you’re joining us, i hope you too might find your stomach flipping. or your breath catching. or your mind fizzing and crackling. or your fingers sparking with visceral energy… my prayer is that we might stoke a reaction, and that it might prove worthy of considered response…

my elder-brother-by-choice-or-by-grace, Chris, suggested some time back that Tuesday group breaking of bread and wine becoming the breaking of bread and whiskey…

when we swallow the gospel, it should burn our throats and set a fire in our gut…

in other news, i’ve returned from belfast no longer blonde.