simplest pleasures

it’s bank holiday monday.
the weather this weekend has been glorious. i’ve planted up all my boxes and pots. all going well, in a few weeks the deck will be a riot of pink, red and orange.
i’m painting a wrought iron table and chairs that were in need of tlc. i’ve dismantled a horrid picture and frame combo (think faux thomas kinkade, left by a previous tenant *shudders*) and am now recycling and transforming the frame into something new, inspired by threadbangers video on youtube. i’ve been hanging art and photos. i’ve been mopping the floors. i got to hang out with the ewan, Quī-ā, Lochlann, and Mír on skype. i’ve been gathering together gifts i’ve crafted and collected for my parentals to take to Ontario next week. said parentals and i had a barbecue.
all in all, just the kind of holiday weekend i needed. full of creativity and pottering about with tunes on the radio and for the most part only my own thoughts for company. and it’s still going.



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