no news is good news

i’ve got my head stuck in a paper right now so there’s not much to report. my days are currently split between ploughing through texts on the second wave sex war, trying to think of something intelligent to say about same and skyping with the Dr of Darkness. but all is good. actually, it’s all great. Christmas holidays start 3 weeks tomorrow. can’t wait. but for now i need the days to slow a little.

3 things:

1) apologies to those i owe mails to. the list is steadily growing. i’ll try and catch up this week.

2) Thanksgiving greetings to all in the US of Stateside. safe journey to all who are travelling this week and a happy time to all. for what it’s worth, i still believe you’re an exceptional country.

3) congratulations to Shirley on becoming an auntie today. nice one. 🙂

oh, one more:
4) i’ll be up North on the 5th/6th. hope to catch up with folks then. note to self: remember to collect Christmas decorations from the Fry’s. note to Joel: get a tree.