update. and a soul-health break.

merry christmas eve from nashville

all is good but my email isn’t working. i can receive messages but can’t reply.
so, to jude smithey et all who’ve been in touch, i’m sorry for not getting back to you. i’ll try using joel’s email as an alternative over the coming days and in the meantime, all is good here – great, actually. busy. and exciting. and relaxed. and full of love and togetherness.

there’s a beautiful tree and paper chains and after lots of fun shopping there’s a big bundle of gifts to be wrapped and present-ed at the Dark family gathering tomorrow.
i’m feeling very at home and we’ve got a really good thing going on here. so much to celebrate and joy to be felt.

i’ll post photos tonight. but right now there’s two gifts to be tracked down before the stores shut for the holidays and then we head to Christmas Eve communion at DPC.

hi to all in belfast. wish we were closer.
more soon, i promise.

so, until later, take 5…

peace be with you, dear friends…